Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Free Paid to program that works!

PPC Appraisal Program Autosurf is a free program.You can automatically search up to 1500 search engines per day. and getpaid everytime.I have been running this new program daily and have earned about $450 sofar. I was notified today by my sponsor that he received his first payment. A nice big fat check for more than $5000.This is truly amazing.

It's easy to download, totally FREE!The main page of the site is not informative or too impressive,but it does make money and does not require anysponsoring, although you may invite others for faster profit.

It costs nothing to join and make money. Once set up, you don't have to doanything, and you can track your income up to the second. You never have to pay anything at any time. Feel free to use this text and put YOUR affiliate URL you get from PPC Appraisal in prior to advertising. This is still a relatively unknown program, meaning there is still a lot of potential for you to get a lot of people signed up before everyone joinswhen word gets out that it is paying.

There is not a lot of information at the website, so I will explain to you EXACTLY how to do this program.The way to make some real money is with referrals. You receive 5% of theearnings made by everyone under you.The program works similar to "click on search engine and get paid" kindof programs, except for 3 things.1) You don't have to click on any links--it's all run automatically inthe background like an auto-surf.2) It doesn't give you just one search engine that makes you money. Right now there are 21 search engines that run within the program. PPC Appraisal has imposed a 1500 click per day limit.

You are autosurfingso you can't really know how many "clicks" you do, but it averages about 4hours of running before you hit 1500. When all 6 of your browser windowsare blank, YOU HAVE REACHED THE MAXIMUM LIMIT! The way it works is that each search engine builds up a separate total ofyour surfing time. You have to reach an amount of $40-$60 before you get paid from each separate search engine.

Note: Don't let the boring looking site discourage you, once you are setup, it's fun watching your income rise, in real time, for doing little tonothing!Here are the instructions to get started, and you may want to print thisout first: You must go here and fill out the form:
Where it says Company Name put: ppc appraisal. For URL/Site put: For TAX ID N/A Fill the rest out normally. Now login. That will take you to a menu. Click on Requests. At the bottom of the page,hit Select All, then Request. After that, back to the bottom of the page andclick Page 2, then Select All, then Request. If there are MORE than 2 pages (and there will be soon),do the same for EACH page.

DO all the above first! This is really just sits in the background and runs and earnsy ou money.! After you have had this running for a while go to your PPC account andclick on statistics and watch the different search engines appear and total your money earning. Here are the further instructions. If you follow the instructions exactly (step by step) you should have no problem. Please download a file called test33 and SAVE it to your Desktop inWindows' drop-down box:
Login to PPC appraisal and on the menu and select Campaigns.Copy or write down your Portal Url which is the one listed on the page. Your referral URL is listed elsewhere under Account Manager. Make sure theurl has the word PORTAL l in it.It will look like the below:

After downloading run the test33.exe program by clicking on the test33 onyour desktop (or other location you saved it to) Go to Tools in the Test 33 browser, then Analyst, then Act, then SETUP. You'll see two empty squares. On the lower left side click APPEND. A popup window will open. Type the words Set1 in it and click OK. It will disappear. Now the small window on the left you shouldsee Set1 inside of it. Then paste the Portal Url that you copied from the PPC website into thelarge right window on the right and click OK..

Back to Tools, Analyst, Act, then hit SET1 The url will load. Then Tools, Analyst and hit LOOP. Then click on Navigation. Click on the word Six at the bottom. This will open up 6 separate search engine browsers, so instead of justgetting paid from 1 at a time it pays you for 6 at a time. The Test 33 program will start clicking on search engines.

There are 21 search engines in that one url. If you shut it off, or get booted, just run the Test 33browser go to Tools/Analyst and hit Loop, and Navigationand 6 to start it all up again. Do not touch any settings. Once you get this set up you can minimize the window and go about whatever you normally do.

Feel free to use all of the information I have sent you to refer others. Do change my URL to the one for you. These are just search engines that get runthrough this program. What they are doing is paying to try to improve their numbers with Alexa so they have a better chance of competing with the big boys like Yahoo and Google. This means that YOU benefit!

To YOUR success,
WileEPeyote" <>
Wiley is an internet marketer from Texas. He has an awesome sense of humor despite his serious passion for PPC Appraisal.

How SiteBuildIt helps me market

Last article we looked at building an initial site. Now I add two affiliate programs related to vintage cars on the web page .I get paid a fee when people buy vintage cars through me. The people visiting my website are really interested in vintage cars, so they think of owning a vintage cars and they go click one of my affiliate links and choose the car of their choice and a sale is made and I get paid the commissions. Its Highly targeted. See how SBI! targets the right customers from the search engines.
It is vital you develop a relationship with your visitors. An essential
Way to do this is through e-zines or newsletters. SBI includes a fabulous tool in this regard the E-zine Publishing tool and it does it all.
- I can import and export email lists.
- I can archive my newsletters at my website, which by the way will
help me with the Search Engines.
- I can do mail merges.
- I can instantaneously create subscription boxes for my site.
- I can send out beautiful HTML emails, which I build block by block in
a similar fashion to my pages.
- I can use SBI‘s SpamCheck to analyze my email for spaminess, so I can
make the changes necessary in order to avoid my email getting filtered out by ISPs.
- Each of these HTML emails will contain a hidden pixel, so when it
arrives at a subscriber‘s computer, if the computer cannot read HTML, the email will automatically be converted into text. Remember, SBI has removed the need for me to understand technology
- And, I will be allotted 5,000 Mail Outs a month through this tool,
which is quite a lot for any small business. But if I need more I can purchase larger limits at very cost-effective prices.
- Jobin Jacob
Contact me at
* * * * *
Jobin is a 20-year-old student living in Qatar who first became involved with internet marketing when he was 17! He especially likes the ebook and site by Ken Envoy, and He has also become involved in up and coming Cashflowpc: VMS1-65759 for CFPC at (use his voucher VMS1-65759 for upgraded membership) and MovieClubPlus:

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


I have a question on HYIP programs I have seen on the Net: are they just another “doubler” in sheep’s clothing or are they legitimate producers. I'm sure there are some that are crooked, and maybe some that are not......Here is sample of one home page.. I don't understand all I know about it:

12 days deposit. 600%
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Profit (%
Standard Plan $1 - $200 300.00
Expert Plan $201 - $500 450.00
VIP Plan $501 and more 600.00

Thank you for your time and opinion of this type of program. John

Ok, in the finance world there are plans and services called "High Yield Investment Plans." Of course what you also must understand and appreciate is that these plans, even the best of them managed by rock-solid companies are also: High Risk Investment Plans! So, whenever I see HTIP I replace it with HRIP.

These plans usually involve the managing company investing in something that has an immediate or "quick" turn pork belly futures just before the market opens, or other fast pace wall street type trading investment. They are "betting that they will buy low and sell high quickly thus realizing a ROI sometimes in that day (or hours.) But, it is still a "gamble" and there are often times more losers than winners.

When looking at a hyi/hri I would consider the following:
1. Who is the managing company? are they rock solid? do they have a history? usually a whois on the domain can at least give you a clue. I look for corporate affiliations, date established, date domain expires and etc. Ken, my partner in all things Xtream, usually does a follow thru by contacting the management of the company and asking some questions about them and the program in question.

2. What is the money being invested in? What exactly is being done to create that "yield?" Sometimes hyi are based of off gold standard and international currencies. What ever it is that is producing the "yield" (or not), you need to know this. If they are basing "yield" off of new members investing money, it is a "doubler" in another form. Doublers are inherently unstable for a number of reasons.

These are absolutely 2 things which must be investigated before committing money to a company: including FUNDING. I hate that term, just another way to say "spend your money with us." Because that is EXACTLY what you are doing: moving your money away from your control and into the control of someone else.

3. I always take projections and guarantees with large doses of salt. You can pull figures out of hot air and make them look wonderful all day long. The only thing that matters in the end is RESULT. Equally, guarantees are only good as long as the company is still around so that determines final "result."

Given the limited info provided, I would suggest thorough investigation prior to committing money. Period. I would not give them a single penny until I know for sure who they are and if they are really legit. A lot of people out there count on a member being able to "lose" a couple dollars!!! Get enough of them and you have a sizable income for offering nothing more than pretty words on a site and a lot of smoke and mirrors.

Bottom line: be skeptical, do the research and keep your money in YOUR OWN hand

Cherie Halliday