Saturday, May 21, 2005

No Bounce is a Winner!

Just4uu and XtreamNet have combined forces to create the first guaranteed No Bounce email service on the net! 'These mailboxes are both POP3 and SMTP and designed with the Email Marketer in mind.' says Ken Belz, one of the partners behind

One of the nightmares of marketing to safe lists, especially through submitters, is the email server being down. Many times it is because the server becomes overwhelmed by the shere volume of email incoming to the boxes. Members involved in safelist and/or FFA submitters will easily receive thousands of emails daily! When the loads push the server to the limit, the server will shut down, thus causing email to 'bounce.' Bounces go back to the submitters and safelists causing accounts to be set on 'vacation/bounce' hold. One must then notice this has happened and take the accounts off hold. Oftentimes the member isn't even aware this has occured. In time their accounts become inactive and then deleted. stops the nightmare. Their server is especially built to take the load of safelist and ffa emails and then some! Affordably priced, they even offer a great affiliate program where members earn 50% commissions.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Beware the "blog blaster' scam!

Business on the net is dynamic. New sites, programs, software, and etc come along hourly. This is exciting. But, remember: every new thing that comes along announcing that it is “THE NEXT BIG THING” ain’t always so.

Case in point: new site suddenly appears announcing that it has produced a “blog blaster.’ They throw up a lot of great looking statistics on blogs, how rapidly they are growing, how many of them there now are and make claims (all unfounded and unsubstantiated of course) and imply that you will be reaching all these blogs with their blaster. That you will be “unleashing” a marketing powerhouse by blasting your ads to all these blogs just ripe and waiting for your submission. They talk about RSS feeders and etc. They present information in such a way that the casual reader, especially one who does not own a blog, can be very much taken away by the information and rush to be a part of “THE NEXT BIG THING”. For a cost of $50 bucks or so of course.

The entire site, the case presented, the claims are one big ol fat lie. You need to be a blog owner to understand this. You see, while the statistics the site throws up are correct - there is a huge explosion of blogs on the net in the past year or so - that has NOTHING TO DO WITH THEIR CLAIMS OF A BLOG BLASTER! Nothing. Blogs, while the blog script is obtained from somewhere, the actual blog itself is individually owned and completely individually controlled. Every 10 million of them and counting.

Blogs do have access to an RSS feeder. Blogs and their articles can go out into the RSS feeder if that blog owner so desires. NOTHING flows back. If you want to post on an individual blog, that blogger must invite you individually. I don’t care if it is an article, an ad or a single link. You want it on a blog, that owner has to allow it. Simple. Period. No if ands or buts, and no “blaster”.
I find it fascinating that this new “blaster” is only targeting consumers. Not one post, not one news release, not one Press Release has been made on this blaster. Most telling is that I, as the owner of several blogs, have not heard one peep regarding any kind of blaster that would post ads to my blogs, or permission to even do so.

Suddenly, it appears on my traffic site at . Suddenly, I have partner members sending me frantic emails on how this “spells the end of blogs as we know them” but asking that I get “onboard”.

Hogwash. The whole thing is hoyie, smoke and mirrors. And not even all that clever either. You have 10 million plus bloggers who will tell you: “no way, Jose” to a blaster. If I need another safe list I’ll go join one, or start one of my own: I already have four. My blogs, I don’t think so.
Bottomline: run away, do not even sign up for on the “free” thingee. Certainly DO NOT SPEND ANY MONEY HERE! (If you did, ask for an immediate refund
-Cherie Halliday

Monday, May 16, 2005

Needed: internet marketers

Attention Internet Marketers!
$0 cost investment
50% commissions
Promote a valuable service that pays you monthly.

XtreamNet in partnership with is now offering the first ever guaranteed "bounce free" mailbox service. This is a dream service for anyone who uses email marketing and email venues such as Safe lists, submitters and FFA sites. We ALSO have an affiliate program where you earn 50% commissions during launch! Visit the sales page and click on the affiliate icon on the far left hand side of the page. Corporate rate is 25%, but XtreamNet is kicking in an extra 25% now. We offer what no other mail provider/service on the net offers at extremely competitive and affordable prices.

We need affiliates to promote our services, and YOU are being asked. Payouts are at $25.00. Anyone who does email marketing needs these boxes. They are both POP3 and SMTP. They are designed not to fail due to server issues. They work with all submitter, Validator, and box cleaning software. These are a great service and product and we need great affiliates. As in all our sites, we are committed to providing you with customer service and member support. Oh yes.I almost DOES NOT COST YOU A FEE TO BE OUR AFFILIATE! Join, promote, sell, earn, get paid. Doesn't get any simpler

Xtream Marketing is a network of many different marketing venues, a partnership, and several endorsed ops. Main contact is at Join here:

If you like our affiliate site, you may enjoy or need our other sites and ventures:

1. Our XtreamFFA site is live and with leads! Lots of them. You can go Pro for only $5.00 monthly and send to around 75,000 opt in leads per month. Or, you can join XtreamNet Marketing Center and receive Pro account at no additional cost beyond your monthly Xnet subscription:

2. is a great place to earn by surfing 100 pages a day. $10.00 annual subscription which you can easily recover and then earn a nice ROI on. We have a MONEY MEMBERSHIP CONTEST for the month of May: 1st prize is $10.00 (which pays you back your basic membership fee!), $7.50 for 2nd place, $5.00 for 3rd. Refer, get paid!

3. Another site I highly recommend is . Nice paid-to-surf, Admin is responsive, pays great. I had payment within hours of my request. (Official policy is to try to pay within 3 days.)

4. We are coming up on our 1st year anniversary at XtreamSurf in July. Basic members, refer a new member and receive an upgrade to Rotation account. Join all our traffic sites and maximize your exposure for your sites on our traffic network. (yep, that "r" is missing) Which, I need to mention, are enhanced by vs-10! This is a great concept for traffic exchanges. Sites from your exchange are shown on the VS-10 system. It is great for your exchange and your members. Email me for details at

5. Our safe lists and XtreamSAL are going strong. Around 6,500 or so combined members at all sites last time I counted. These are our "traditional" safe lists:, safelist/, Our "non-traditional" site if XtreamSAL. Very responsive and a great place to get your ads read.

6. If you have been considering Safelist Submitter/email marketing, you can try us out for only $7.97 per month. I am personally assisting members setting up their submitter and etc. Submitters are great tools, but do take some work up front to get set up correctly. They also require pop3 mailboxes for both list and contact mails WHICH WE NOW PROVIDE YOU AT NO EXTRA CHARGE at your Xtream Marketing package. This is a (at least) $15.00 per month value. This also has an affiliate program. Pay outs are made monthly. $1-$3 dollars per monthly signup and $15.00 one time commision per Premium membership