Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Movie Club Plus/XtreamNet

We have established a matrix within the Movie Club Plus opportunity site. MCP is structured somewhat as an MLM and offers many products for sale. When you join on XtreamNet's link to MCP, you receive group support from the Xtn team, marketing resources, support from your direct sponsor and (upon request) a mentor.

We also assist you to achieve your top three members.
Once accomplished, you then assist your 3 and so on, filling your matrix with team members all dedicated to building each other's business.

The point is to build a successful network of independant MCP dealers/home business owners. Movie Club Plus offers a wide-range of entertainment products, movies, dvd, games, magazines and telephone products. Members can register as free shoppers or become affiliates with their own matrix and home business.

MCP will be launching a worldwide promotional campaign and infomercial early 2005 and will place "spill-over" members into existing affiliate matrixes. XtreamNet is poised to benefit from this spillover. As paid members are enrolled, we place those members within our Matrix to help each of our paid members achieve their "3".

Please join here:
Then email us here:

Cherie Halliday

Hello XtreamNet Bloggers !

I am glad to see everyone working hard, but most importantly, glad seeing everyone working hard together ! This is a team effort, and you all are making this a very good team !

I have come across 1 problem, and I had to take care of it, in a way I didn't really want to. And that is, anyone using the "emassblast" safelists. These people were literally sending me bunches of emails of the same into my contact inbox. I had sent them a couple of emails, and of course, with no response. So, I ended up "unsubscribing" from them, and I would never go back to them for nothing ! I know I have sent some of you there, and I am sorry, if they do the same thing to any of you. But good luck getting them to respond to your emails !

Have a GREAT day, all of you, and "GO TEAM" ! Keep up the FANTASTIC work !


Welcome to XtreamSurf Business Blog

We are dedicated to providing useful information regarding on-line business and affiliate opportunities. This is a "team blog" so please join and contribute. Email me at to request to be enrolled as a contributor.

Happy Marketing,
Cherie Halliday

XtreamSurf Business and Opportunities Blog

We are dedicated to providing useful information regarding on-line business and affiliate opportunities, product and service sales, Joint Ventures, Special offers, for most legitimate business-related and marketing sites.

As this is a "Team Blog" for the XtreamNet Marketing Group, you are invited to join and contribute. We also support a Yahoo Group for advertising and marketing your links at: Join our flagship for access to a wealth of free marketing resources and get your sites in front of almost 7,000 combined member who belong to our 4 traffic sites and 3 safelists.

Please email me at and request to be added to the team.

Happy Marketing,
Cherie Halliday