Saturday, October 15, 2005

hot, Hot, HOT!! Master SafeAdLists Released:

The release of the new Master SafeAdLists is scheduled for the end of October /early November 2005 and I urge you to order your site now! Master SafeAdlists offer a low cost, highly profitable business for Admin Owners in a cutting edge venue that guarantees members ads are read. You will be able to sell Banners, solo ads, and page views to BOTH members and non members alike, thus producing multiple streams of income.

Taking the original concept of SafeAdLists, Impressions-hosting/Safelist Warrior Group together with Mail Ads Safeadlist has completely redesigned this wonderful program, turning it into a cutting edge venue everyone will be excited to own or join. They have created an environment where members become part of a community, enjoy once again meaningful and responsive advertising more importantly GET THEIR ADS READ and start receiving sales and hits to their sites.

This is Hot everyone. If you have ever considered owning a site, or want to add to your ownership portfolio - these are worth every second of your time investigating and then obtaining. They are completely redesigned from the original SafeAdLists with enhanced features for owners and members alike.

Here are some of the new/enhanced features:

* There are 3 Levels of MembershipEach Level of Membership is geared to encourage Members to Upgrade,~ Earning Admin Owners more $$$ and giving paying members more flexibility and also the chance to earn more $$$.

* The incentives for upgrade are already included, you won't have to email Members pushing them to Upgrade their membeships they will want to! WHY?Each member irrespective of membership level must visit the member~s area at least once a week. By doing so members will be compelled to read Ads BEFORE gaining access to the members area.

* These Ads are on a short timer, this ensures sufficient time for the mail to be read BEFORE they move on to the next Ad.

* Each membership level will have a minimum amount of Ads to read. (Admin Owners will set these in their control panel)

* The performance of any function will be POINTS driven for example:
- Points added for Ads read
- Points removed for Ads Posted
- Penalty points removed for infringements such as not logging in on a regular basis and reading other members ads.

(The points control will be selected by Admin in their control panel)

* PAGE VIEWS: You will be able to offer page views to your members who will be paid cash for each view. All, again, under your control from your Admin panel, you set the prices, you set the timer. You get the profit!

* SOLO ADS: Each ad comes with a clickable link to give the member points for viewing Solo Ads.

* Scratch Cards: We have included Scratchcards which appear at random (set by admin) gaining prizes of points for members. We found these extremly popular in SafeAdlists and have decided to again include them in Master SafeAdlists, Admin can disable these if they prefer.

* Membership Levels: We have included 3 Membership Levels at Master SafeAdlists they are:
-Free: this is the basic membership offering Posting of Ads, Reading of Ads and access to all Paid Options for example Banner impressions.

- Pro: Pro members, who recruit new members, will be allowed to mail affiliates they have recruited, ONE TIME. You will earn more points than Free Members for reading Ads and less points are deducted when Your Ads are read.

- Marketers: This is the Top Membership at our Master SafeAdlists and we expect this to be the most popular with members. Marketers who recruit new members will be allowed to build a down line whom they will be allowed to mail once every month! You will be amazed how quickly your members will grow as Master SafeAdlists helps build your own private mailing list! You will earn more points than Pro Members for reading Ads and less points are deducted when Your Ads are read.

Please Note:-Admin owners have full control of Points, Posting times and Prices. Different owners will offer different incentives for their members.

A full list of Privately Owned Master SafeAdlists. will be included in sales pages links and plans are for the exit page to take the user to the site which will house links to all the Master SafeAdList venues, allowing easy access to all the lists.

These lists have been created to give members the chance to once again get ads read, make sales and receive hits to their sites. At one time safelists did provide this but being marketers ourselves we know the problems that Safelist Submitters and Mailbox Cleaners have caused. It has taken the team many months to create the perfect way for ALL internet marketers, advertisers and users to go back to basics and once again enjoy advertising on the internet.

Don't wait on this one my friends! Be part of the future today at Master SafeAdlists.

-cherie halliday

Thursday, October 13, 2005

4Daily Rip-off and Scam

Jim Hunt, owner of 4daily, has the dubious distinction of reaching new lows in relation to online scams and the paid to surf industry. Following a series of mismanagement at his venue 4daily, Jim Hunt urged members to upgrade and COMPOUND their earnings in lieu of being paid. After securing as many upgrades and compounds as possible, he then took his site offline.

When he reopened it was to an entirely new day for everyone - including all the members who had purchased upgrades and compounded! He had reset EVERY SINGLE MEMBER back to basic and wiped out all upgrades and compound history. He now tells those defrauded members that he considers all members PAID when they compounded their earnings and that everything else is part of the 'acceptable loss' provision on his site.

He now advertises his site as the Revitalised Now back to FULL PAYOUTS! claiming that members Are in the unique position of being able to get in on the ground floor of a well established and much loved program. You have an opportunity here that cannot be found anywhere else on the 'net.

Nothing could be further or farther from the truth. In fact the only opportunity presented here is to lose your money and get raped in the process.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Check this out guys, it's contest time!

Hi guys! Hope you had a nice weekend.
Keep reading for some exciting info on a
list building contest... you don't want to miss out!

For some reason I wasted almost all my time
during this two last days...
well not quite wasted.. because I learned some
pretty good list building tactics.

I'm researching viral mar.keting thoroughly
and I strongly believe it's the quickest way
to build your list to astronomical levels... really!

List building programs play a crucial role
in some of this viral strategies.
I'll talk more about this later... as I don't want
to overwhelm you. However, take my advice now
and sign .up for this particular list building program,
it's called Your Lucky List:

It's absolutely revolutionary and you will love it.

Oh, I almost forgot... they're running a
referral contest right now... if you make it
to the top 20, you can win .a F.REE upgrade,
cash and advertising!

I don't know about you, but I definitely
am going for it! I refer people anyways,
so why don't take it further and really
concentrate for a few days... I want
one of those top 20 spots!
By the way... the contest is going to end
this week.. so you better hurry up...

Well that's it for today... stay tuned
for more list building info from your favorite
20-year old internet mark.eter ;)

Kind regards,

Juan Pablo Cangas
Internet Marketer

Work at Home! | Internet Marketing Advice for Internet Home Based Business Entrepreneurs

P.S.: Here's that link again... See you at the top!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Come earn with Xtream!

XtreamNet Marketing Center is offering $29.79 for annual Premium membership this week. You get mega resources including Safe list submitter to hundreds of lists, thousands of daily leads from our Pro FFA sites, Ffa blasters, Search Engine submitter, unlimited validations for both email accounts - even 2 email accounts to use with your submitter! Premium members auto submit up to 120 times their email ads.

But wait - it gets even better. I will pay you $15 for every paid Annual Prem member you recruit. This month! No waiting a buzzilion years to get paid. No minimum balance to reach. Recruit - get paid. That simple. I am building membership in this venue and looking for people to help me do this. You can join as a free member and earn if not interested in the resources.
Hope to be paying YOU soon!
Cherie Halliday