Thursday, April 21, 2005

Your online business, Part 6

You did it: you picked, chose, waded through a lot of hype and verbiage. You analyzed, ran a whois, did your homework, asked questions. You then made a decision and “found” that business just for you or the affiliate program you believe in. Phew. All done. So, now what?

Start by making a plan, a daily or weekly agenda and then stick to it. While you may not have a lot of inventory overhead, stock to deal with, employees to pay and etc, you KNOW YOU MUST PROMOTE! In fact, that will be your single most costly item in terms of both time and money. Even if you find tons of free resources, you STILL MUST SPEND DEDICATED TIME using those tools and resources to bring in visitors to your website. Any site which tells you otherwise IS LYING TO YOU. Period.

As discussed earlier, any enterprise depends on some kind of marketing, promoting or advertising to bring in business: this includes WORD OF MOUTH. That, is marketing as well. On line, you have many different resources to choose from and a well balanced marketing campaign includes a little bit of everything! So, you will want to do some email marketing, ffa posts, run your sites on traffic exchanges, find some good adboards and etc.

And, while you will find good free resources, you will also want to purchase resources as well. These are some of the more “traditional” tools you will want to have in your marketing arsenal:

1. Safelist “Submitter”. You want a good, commercial type submitter that offers lots of features including: auto join, auto validate BOTH contact and list addresses, auto submit ads, banners and mailbox cleaners. a good example of a email center that features all the above and many other “value added” resources. One of the major considerations of belonging to a submitter is that you need two “pop3” mailboxes. Your typical web based mailbox like yahoo, msn, aol, and gmail will not work for submitters.

2. Adblasters. These typically blast to lists and members and do not require email “validations.” is an excellent adblasting tool that is highly affordable.

3. FFA Submitter. There are many good ones out on the net. These are basically huge “classified” boards which people post their ads and sites on for free. I am especially partial to Massive FFA Submitter which is included in your membership. Another good board is found here:

4. Daily leads from Pro FFA boards. These are the emails of people who posted their sites and ads on FFA boards. These are both good FFA sites: and Massive FFA.

5. Safe lists. If you belong to a submitter, you will belong to hundreds of these. But if you are not ready for that kind of financial commitment or are still testing the waters, here are several good ones which are free to join:

6. SafeAdLists. Unlike “traditional” safelists, you do not need the big pop3 mailboxes. SAL sites house the ads on the site itself, meaning you log onto the site to view and then post your ads.

7. Ad boards like Search Estate. These are free, give you a website in which to promote all your affiliate sites, and also “billboards” that appear on the search engine page.

8. Traffic Exchanges. These are sites where you “exchange” ads. You post your site and receive credits to run them by viewing other member sites. These are very effective resources to get your sites actually “seen” by people.

9. Blogs. Short for (we)Blog, these are basically magazines or journals in which members post “articles” concerning what ever is the specialty of that particular Blog. These are great mediums for finding information and resources. ,

- Cherie Halliday

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Your online Business, Part 5

Picking and choosing an on line opportunity should take as much care and consideration as it does to marry someone. Granted, lots of time we don’t spend enough time choosing our life mates, and that is usually done to many lasting regrets. Hence, we keep the divorce lawyers happily employed.

However, it is extremely important to choose an op carefully. For one thing, you are usually going to be investing your time and money in something that you want to be a. proud of b. able to promote and c. that is legitimate! YOUR name becomes aligned with what ever site it is you decide to promote and oftentimes your reputation.

Now, the Net is big, but not so big that people don’t get to know others by name or reputation. I have only been active on the Net for a little over a year now and can name lots of names of people I wouldn’t trust a single penny to let alone my time, energy and own meager reputation. Whether a “newbie” or a well seasoned veteran of internet marketing and opportunities there is one absolutely necessary thing you MUST do when considering a site: READ WHAT IT SAYS!

That seems so simple, but you would be amazed at the sites I see all the time that people promote and you just know they have not read or understood what that site is all about. There is currently a couple sites making the rounds making outrageous promises of “1 million $ in 12 months”, and “Make 1.2 million monthly surfing.” Right. I OWN surf sites and I know I cannot pay anyone 1.2 million monthly surfing EVER! My partner is heavily involved in good, solid pay to surf sites and is in NO WAY making millions of dollars. Programs who make those types of claims are scams of the first degree and one needs to run away from as fast as possible.

When considering a site, read what it it is saying about itself. Does it say “free” on one hand and then tell you to make a one-time investment of $39.00? Or, my favorite, does it tell you that they will GIVE YOU $19.50 to “test drive” their site? (After you paid your $39.00 of course.) No matter how you do the math 39 - 19.50 still means you are out of pocket $19.50! Just tell me it costs $19.50 to join and be done with it. Don’t pull out a bunch of hoyie and hokum to part me from my money.

Run away from. Then, after you join, test their word and promises. HOLD THEM TO IT! Stuff happens and everyone understands that, but a site that does not live up to its promises, no matter how “small”, run away from quickly.

Conversely, the ones who do keep their word are “keepers”. I have been very impressed lately with Cashflowpc. About a month ago we had some serious communications problems and issues and I blasted the management, especially Joel. To their lasting credit, Joel and Brad addressed the issues we were having and more than “made things right.” They did not make excuses, come back to the Xtream organization with an attitude, or pull any nonsense.

What they did do was correct some mistakes after stating that they HAD made some!! Wow. I can count on one hand (with fingers to spare) the number of times THAT has happened. Quality act by quality people. Do you think I will be promoting Cfpc for years to come? You bettcha. This is the kind of opportunity to latch onto and keep forever. Rather like my husband.

- Cherie Halliday
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