Cashflowpc is poised for even more dynamic growth in 2006 with the introduction of a comprehensive Marketing Resource Center and a 24/7/365 Video Conference Training Campus which will be jam-packed with lessons on using the resources as well as training on understanding and marketing all the Cashflowpc, Vortex and VIP Travel Rewards products.
Resources include a Safe list submitter, traffic, search engine submitters and resources, FFA memberships and submitters, web page optimization tools, safeadlists, safe lists and many other venues and services. Supporting articles on how to use the resources along with ad copy, suggested subject lines and strategies are found on a supporting resource forum. This will compliment the training which will occur on campus.
To join Cashflowpc use Voucher VMINTLC77 at site
To view the products see Cashflowpc Retail Center. Products include VoIP, satellite, DSL, Video Conferencing, dial up, long distance and other technology goods and services.
To read about the company and the daily news see the Vortex Group Homepage
To view a Diamond Affiliate page see Xtream-Cashflowpc
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Thursday, December 22, 2005
Cashflowpc ready to expand services in 2006
Posted by at 6:35 AM 0 comments
Master Safeadlists responds to issues
A good indicator of how successful a new program is going to be is how the owner or owners respond to issues and situations. Many sites open with grand intensions - however, stuff happens. Issues arise. Things do not work as planned. This is the nature of the beast.
Master Safeadlists opened in November with a brand new, untested script and immediately issues arose. To the credit of the script writer and especially to one of the Co-owners as well, Debra Challinor, these issues were met, and continue to be met, head on and with swift and positive action.
Her company motto is …Master Safeadlists: we listened. And she does.Most recently it was determined that the original method of naming of the individually owned lists was such that the Search Engines were not accepting the sites for indexing! The Search Engines perceived the individual lists to be affiliate links and therefore not acceptable. Where many program owners would have shrugged their shoulders and ignored the dilemma, or gone the route of blaming the Search Engines - Debra addressed the issue head on (and with expense occurred of course) to have the script writer and technicians rewrite the script and rename the lists so that they can be accepted by the Ses.
Other tweaks and changes have been made to the script including adding an Admin verification feature, a member search feature and addressing errors that occurred when adding the Adsense blocks. Changes in the works include a way to add a paid to click reward in Admin emails and solo ads.
Join a Master Safeadlists at XtreaMaster Safeadlist. Obtain one of these venues which provide many marketing features on one site including ad viewing, solo ads, banner ads, the ability to add your Adsense ads and links, and a paid to surf at Master Safeadlists
Posted by at 6:29 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Enable_dl function leaves scripts vulnerable to attack
Recent server upgrades have apparently opened up scripts to vulnerabilites that cyber vandals have been taking full advantage of. Within the past 6 weeks a number of sites have suddenly found themselves infected with malicous java script that placed dialog boxes with forced downloaders, viruses, and trojans on sites hosted on the servers which were in then turned loose onto other programs and infected members' computers as they visited the sites. Especially impacted were traffic exchanges.
This report from one of the Xtream members and a webmaster:
I have discovered the reason for all of these dialog box problems/hacks. It has to do with servers who have done recent upgrades. enable_dl function in php is to blame.
The function is being left in the "enabled" mode when the upgrade is done whichThree of my sites were affected a few days ago and this was the reason. Please distribute this to other program owners and hosting companies. Once the enable_dl function is turned off the servers can be "disinfected" and will no longer be vulnerable.
leaves the server vulnerable to exploits of this type.
Keith Janet
Janet Online Enterprises
Posted by at 2:53 AM 0 comments