Friday, July 01, 2005

Holiday Blowout

Whether you business is online or off, you need to advertise and market. The Xtream Group is all about marketing and is celebrating their first year in business. For the next few days, you can get a great package of resources at a reduced cost AND obtain the means to earn that investment back!

From now until the 5th of July only Xtream is offering an incredible savings on their advertising resources.

This offer will NOT, repeat NOT ever be done again. You will be saving so much by taking advantage of this that it is truly amazing. Personally, I think my partner is nuts but for the next 5 days only you can get a lifetime membership to the Xtreamnet Submitter ($80 value), a pro membership to XtreamSafeAddList ($50 value), a pro membership to XtreamFFA ($120 value) where you can send ads daily to more than 700 members of the list every day, an upgraded membership to all 4 of Xnet's ftj traffic exchanges ( GOLD at $240 value each/$960 total), and an executive membership to our traditional safelists: XtreamSafelist ($20 value), XtreamSurf Safelist ($20 value) and Paid2Read Safelist ($60 value). But hurry, it's over after midnight July 5th.

Why July 5th? That is XtreamSurf's birthday! The group is one year old 7/5/05 and celebrating with this huge sale. They have grown from one traffic site to 5 tes, 3 safelists, a SAL, 2 ffa boards, the Email Marketing Center (submitters), and a partnership with Just4uu email service.
So, you get all the above for the incredibly low price of just $147.97. A $1360.00 Value.

But wait, there is one more goodie...they will gift you into Powerpaysurf at the $50 level!! This means that by surfing your 100 pages daily - YOU WILL EARN YOUR INVESTMENT BACK!!
This is a one time cost only and is worth much, much more. You get to earn the money spent back PLUS you harness the awesome marketing tools needed to promote all your online businesses.

The upgraded memberships at the traffic exchanges are good for 1 year. The rest are lifetime memberships. Like I wrote earlier, I really do think my partner has totally lost it and gone crazy, but we are celebrating Independence day and our first year of being in business. So, what the hay, get wild and crazy. We need to pay our bills and this is one way to raise the money to do

What a great way to celebrate by almost giving away these great advertising resources. So go right ahead and take advantage of all these great resources and make yourself some good sales, recruit some downlines and just plain enjoy your good fortune. We will NEVER do this again at this price.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Business Building Teleconference w/Jay Abraham; Marketing Genius

You are invited to participate on a one-of-a-kind, LIFE CHANGING, Business-Building Workshop. Due to limited availability, we can only get 5000 highly-motivated entrepreneurs and professionals on it. It's Thursday, June 30th, 2005 starting at 11:00pm Pacific Standard Time (2:00pm Eastern)---via convenient teleconference call tie in.

Marketing Guru Wants To Help You. When you hear who is conducting this FREE two hour business growth workshop AND the amazing topics he is covering, you'll move mountains to be one of the few people on our list who experiences and benefits from this amazing event. The person conducting the complete workshop is considered the greatest business marketing experts on the planet- Jay Abraham!! -

I've sung his praises numerous times before. But a lot of you never got the chance to experience Jay's wildly profitable ideas --- because his products were priced so high it intimidated you. For those of you who don't know, Jay is the highest paid, most remarkably successful marketing SUPER CONSULTANT on the planet. At $5,000 an hour --- $40,000 a day --- Jay Abraham is ordinarily priced out of the realm of affordability for all but the most successful, wealthy, or high income entrepreneurs.-

People like Tony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, Nightingale Conant, Fran Tarkenton, Entrepreneur Magazine, Success Magazine, Investor's Business Daily,--- all turned to Jay for money-making ideas and wealth-building advice. He's made them millions. I've known people to each pay Jay millions of dollars in one year, because he made them tens of millions of dollars or more!Jay knows more ways to make you money, in more areas of business (and business start-ups) than any one else in the world.

His ability to come up with brilliant, fresh, ingenious, and 'wickedly lucrative' ways to market his client's products, services and professional services --- on and off line --- is even more amazing. WANT SOME EXAMPLES?

He took $20,000 a year startup idea called Icy Hot to $13 million in 18 fast track months.

He took Jim Cook's $300,000 a year brokerage business to $500 million in two years.

He took Entrepreneur Magazine from $700,000 to $8,000,000 in an incredible nine months' time.

He made David Hall a staggering $35 million in 18 months.

He gave Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield the idea for Chicken Soup for the Soul.

He made Vic Conant $900,000 in 60 days, then $10 million more --- in the next 15 months.

Impressive Credentials, Jay has been lavishly written about in forty-five major newspapers and business magazines. USA Today wrote not one, but TWO impressive articles in their prestigious Money Section about him. Success wrote five articles about Jay, one called him 'possibly the greatest marketing mind alive today.'

Entrepreneur wrote two, Investor's Business Daily wrote twice on Jay in their prestigious Success and Leaders sections. One appeared right after Bill Gates. The other appeared right before Jack Welch. Forbes called Jay 'the real thing.' And said, 'he turns underperforming corporations into marketing and sales whizzes.'

Here's your one (and maybe only-ever) chance to participate on a two-hour, high level teleconference seminar conducted by Super Consultant Jay Abraham... and not pay a cent to attend. This really IS a $10,000 value. Why? Because an hour of Jay's time goes for $5,000, nearly double that and the experience is worth $10,000.

If you know how to jump on opportunity --- Jump on this. Join the Call June 30th IMMEDIATELY and register for Jay's two hour 'WealthTrack' Business Building Mastery, Work Shop event.

By the way, there IS one 'stipulation' to this offer --- You MUST participate for both hours --- if you register. And you MUST interact with Jay when he asks for responses, questions and marketing issues critical to your success.
Attend a Free 2 Hour Teleconference with Marketing Genius Jay Abraham. Ask Him Questions. Hear What he Has to Say June 30th Get your SecretPin Code Today at

- Paul Semark