Friday, June 03, 2005

FFAs are great, being a Pro is better:

Posting your link free on FFA boards (Free For All) is a great way to start getting the word out on your site. In fact it is a very effective way to "mass" market your site in that respect. The best part is that it is free! When you post, you do get email ads back. That is the trade-off for free posting. Who do those emails come from? Why, the owners of the boards AND the paying Pro members that's who. Yes, Pro members get to email you their ads and offers daily.

XtreamFFA offers Pro memberships for only $5.00 monthly. There are anywhere from 1,000 - 2,500 people EVERY DAY who post to the FFA system XtreamFFA is linked to and every Pro member gets to email their ads to those leads daily. FFA's are great, being a Pro member of one even better. Go Pro now at