Saturday, August 20, 2005

23 Year Old Internet Marketer Accidentally Discovered Shocking Formula... How to Get An Unlimited Source of Targeted Traffic to ANY Website for FREE!

Breaking News from Juan Pablo Cangas...

"23 Year Old Internet Marketer Accidentally Stumbles Upon Shocking Formula... Discovers How to Get An Unlimited Source of Targeted Traffic to ANY Website for FREE!"

"Jason is an absolute GENIUS! His techniques made me the first Instant Buzz LEVIATHAN! And- I did it in only a week! I have thousands of visitors to my website, Every single day because of Jason's powerful methods. Please, if you need traffic to your website or affilate link - use this formula!"

-Tellman Knudson

Jason, Skye & Aaron Amadeus Mangrum

By Jason Mangrum, CEO

"How would you like the ability to create instant swarms of targeted traffic, smokin' hot prospects, and actual SALES for any product or service you ever wanted to promote?"

Thanks to state-of-the-art web technologies such as RSS and Blogging mixed with the unstoppable power of Viral Marketing, you can now have the power of being able to generate targeted traffic to any website or affiliate program you wish. All for free, and you'll see results on the very first day...

Here's just a taste of what's inside The Instant Traffic Formula...

  • -How a Free Tool Made Me $8,650 in just two weeks...

  • -Why Ten Seconds Could Save Your Business for LIFE!

  • -How an Exclusive Inner-Circle Can Build You a Massive List of Optin Subscribers within 30 Days at NO Cost - Ever!

  • -The exact letter I used to generate 106,603 ad views for my website in a single mailing. (My friend Tellman Knudson tested this letter and instantly acheived the highest referral status possible!

  • How I used "the formula" to find an unlimited source of highly targeted prospects, just sitting at their computers and waiting to read what's on YOUR mind today.

There's actually much more than you think. This formula was constructed and documented using a live example in which all of my promotional efforts were recorded. You'll get to see the website in action. I only used free programs to work within each other and multiply the average benefit by 1000%. This is called "viral leverage" and only the power players know how to use it to their ultimate advantage...

"Eye-opening and inspiring!

Worth gold for the few minutes it takes to read it!"

-Joe Vitale, Author of way too many books to list here

Until now, that is. Now you can use two extremely powerful techniques called Leverage & Viral Marketing to create a windfall of extra opt-in subscribers and more traffic to your website (ANY website) right now, and absolutely free...

Why Free? Because it's VIRAL. Very viral. In fact, it's probably one of the most viral money-making power reports ever written. Not because I wrote it, but because of the ultimate discovery I documented... the ability to create instant swarms of targeted traffic, prospects and SALES for anything you want to promote!

There's another secret hidden within the 12 easy-to-read but very revealing pages of this viral masterpiece. It is revealed at the very end of the report - and it just might be the most powerful secret you'll ever learn about creating instant profits online!


Oh my god!! Man, I had no idea that I would get this kind of POWER-INFO from such a short report. I mean the strategies you teach here are absolutely awesome!

Man, people are going to LOVE you for giving this away at a price we all love, FREE!"

-Ian Herculson, CEO

Click Here to Download the
Instant Traffic Formula™ Right Now!

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the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, click here to get it!