Thursday, November 03, 2005

Build your business with Cashflowpc and Vortex

Cashflowpc aka Vortex Group is one of the truly World-Class online venues providing products, services and now an MLM opportunity worthy of your consideration as an online business opportunity.

While many so-called opportunities offer little beyond an affiliate link and promises of income selling subscriptions to your downline, Cashflowpc is a business offering hot technology goods and services like VoIP, Net conferencing, satelite and wireless services. The recent launch of the MLM Division adds a whole new dimension to the venue that is exciting and sure to be rewarding.

And, unlike many MLM sites which actually only offer smoke and mirrors, Cashflowpc's MLM is directly tied in with its PRODUCTS - making this a tangible goods venue. So, your memership goes way beyond a mere affiliate. You actually get a business! One that offers up products, goods and services.

In conjunction with the launch of the MLM Division, Cashflowpc will be dividing 8 million V-line credits among the members 11-20. You can read more about this aspect on the Xtream Forum.

If you are not yet a business owner with Cashflowpc, join today
on my voucher VMINTLC77 at

- Cherie Halliday