Sunday, November 06, 2005

Mastersafeadlists launch 11-06-05

The Launch of Master SafeAdlists, this is NOW!

We highly recommend that you signup and join us as soon as possible as we have said before the response for these lists has been phenomenal. ALL lists will be setup on a first come first served basis, at this present time we can guarantee your list will be setupbetween 24 and 48 hours. Our tracking systems have already registered that over 2,500 people have added mastersafeadlist to their favourites on their PCs after only 2 weeks of strong advertising. If you are looking for a way to earn extra income from home and join us at the very begining of what we see and it seems others, the take over of normal safelists then please signup here mastersafeadlist

Please believe us when we say there is NOTHING like this kind of advertising offered on the internet today. We have read forum messages, news reports and general advertising and all signs point to a huge uptake of Master SafeAdlists. Below is a long list of options that members and Admin owners have at their fingertips. We sincerely hope you decide to join us as an admin owner.
Kind Regards,
Debra Challinor
Safelists Warrior'tm'Group

We Listened... Master Safeadlists:

1) Member's Options
My Account: Here user can manage his account and personal information. This page also shows the cash (USD) in his account which he can request payment to admin

Post Ads: Here members can post ads, upon posting some specified points (set by admin) will be automatically deducted from user's account.

Logout: To Exit from the member's area.

2) My Ads: This has the list of Ads posted by the current user, with options to Re-List and Delete. When you press Re-List then user is forced to view some ads prior posting. After viewing these it shows window where users can Re-list Ad.

And above these there is a Post Ad Button if (disabled) means you can't ad now, if (enabled) means you can post ad now.

3) My Banners: It contains the list of banners purchased by the user, and these banners will show on the current website.

Viewed By: (it shows the banner already viewed this much users)

(Approval means banner needs to be approved by admin)
(Active means banner is in queue to shown to users)
(Expired means banner no more available for viewing)
(Rejected means banner admin rejected this banner to be shown at website)
Posted: (It's the date and time when the banner is submitted)

"Delete Checked Banners" it permanently deletes all checked banners from user account.

"PayPal" to pay through for purchasing banner

"StormPay" to pay through 3)

My Page Views: it shows the list of already purchased Page Views with time when purchased there status and other parameters as: Views Purchased: (It's the maximum users can browse the purchased link)

Viewed By: (It's the number of time users browse the purchased link)

"Submit My Page" button carries you to page where you can submit your promotional page. After you submit your page user need to pay to site admin to complete the submission. If user completes the transaction successfully then the page will be added to your account with status (approval) that needs to be approved by admin.

4) Browse Ads: It shows active ads in the database to user which are not viewed by current user in last specified time. Upon viewing ads viewer given points for that ads and owner point's deducted from his account on each view.Upon clicking any ad is shown to user with (Timer watching Ad) it meant for time left to view ad when timer expires Next Ads button automatically enables.

Next Ad: (pressing this button adds points to viewer account and shows you next ad)

No More Ads: (It's for exiting this chain of viewing ads. It moves user to Browse Ads)

Post Ad Now: (if enable mean you can post ad now else if disabled you can't post ad now)

Email this ad: (It's for sending to current ad to contact e-mail of the user)

5) Paid Surfing: It's the section where users can really earn cash for surfing website, Timer on the top implies for how much time you need view the site to earn cash in (USD). When the timer expires "Collect Your Cash some $" button automatically enabled. On pressing this button cash is added to user account, and next website opens automatically in next window. If you exit from it by pressing "Done" it moves you to My Account which shows user account information and total cash in his account.

6) Solo Ads: (These are the ads which are sent to contact email ID's of users). This page has the list of previously sent solo ads with statistics of them. User can delete any as wished. At the bottom of page user has the option to "Post Solo Ad", it moves you to page where you can Compose Solo Ad Subject: (It's the subject of email).

Message: (It's the body of the ad which is sent with solo ad).

Promotional Link: (It's the link which users need to browse for earning points of solo ad)When you subject the compose page you shown preview window where you need to confirm it's submission

"Edit More" to modify the solo ad and "Submit Now" means user confirmed the submission of Solo Ad. After solo ads submission user needs to pay said amount via (Strompay or Paypal) to finish the Solo ads submission. If he successfully make to payment to website owner then the solo ad is added to user account with approval status. This needs to be approved by admin. If the payment not completed then the submission will be discarded.

7) Vacation: During vacation period user will not loose points for not logging into website and he also not receive solo ads from other members. Members who fail to register for vacation will be treated as active members, and will be penalised for not being active member and could lose points, and in some instances their membership.

8) Purchasing Section: Here user can buy Points, Memberships. Free users have option to Buy Pro/Marketer Membership and Buy Points.

Buy Points: (On paying required amount said points will added to user account)

Buy Pro Membership: (This will upgrade Free Members to Pro after paying said amount)

Buy Marketer Membership: (This will upgrade Free/Pro Members to Marketer)

9) Affiliates: Affiliate also has to option to send email to down lines users. He can send them email only some specified times (set by admin). Below all there's a list of banners for affiliate user, he can select any from them for his website.i) Marketers are the only members that will be able to email on a monthly basis the affiliates that they have recruited.)

Pro members are allowed one mail which is a "welcome" mail".)

Free members do not have any options for emailing any members they have recruited.

Claim Commission Page: This page list requests for commission by current user (if any). And if his current commission is more than minimum transaction limit then he can place request for payment with his paypal ID only.)

Statistics: This page has the statistics of all the ads submitted by users

Ads: It lists all the ads which are posted at the website with there current status number of views it received from other users.

Solo Ads: These are the solo ads which are sent to contact email ID's of the users showing to how many users is it sent and how many viewed it

Page Views: these are the pages which are submitted by current users showing views purchased and how many users viewed it. Status show it's current status (Approval, Active, Expired, Rejected)Admin's Area

NOTE: All admin modules has these 3 basic option to manage as (Edit-Delete-Activate/Deactivate):

1) Edit: (It's for editing contents)
2) Delete: (It permanently deletes current item)
3) Activate/Deactivate: (With this option you can activate or deactivate any current item)

Homepage Manager: Here in this page you can edit and manage home page components admin may add announcements ads or anything he wants to be there

News Manager: This page content will be shown on the homepage and news page. Here admin can add and manage website news. It also has the similar options to manage news as (Add news, Activate/Deactivate, Edit and Delete)

About Page Manager: This page is for managing About Us page here admin can put new components and edit existing components. This module is similar to that of news modules.

Contact Us Page: Here admin can put corporate contact information like email ID's phone etc this area is also editable by admin.

FAQ Manager: Here admin can add question and answers which are very common. And he can also answer user queries which are posted by users. Here admin can add new FAQ Categories and FAQ's to make FAQ more easily understandable. Other basic options (Edit-Delete-Activate/Deactivate) are the same.

User Manager: This is the main area where admin can retrieve and edit all information of the user (except password) other basic options (Edit-Delete-Activate/Deactivate) are the same.

Affiliate Banners: This page has the list of all affiliate banners which are in database and admin can edit any. At top of page there's option (Add New Banner). Here new banner can be inserted but Mail Ads logo always there in left top corner.

Affiliates Transactions: This page has the list of payment requests sent by affiliate's users, with name and username of requesting affiliate with description showing that for which members the affiliate is claiming commission and affiliate's payment Id (Paypal ID).

After paying or without paying admin can change the status of the transactions through Edit Status option. At the bottom of each transaction current status is shown and time when request is placed.

Weblinks Page Manager: Here you can add or manage other website link from your site. Admin can add new weblink or new weblink's category. One weblinks category may have any number of weblinks.

Page Views Manager: It has the list of the recently posted page views. Admin has given the information about link page link and owner who submitted that link. He also has the option to (Edit-Approve-Reject-Delete) the page views when admin approve the page view than the status of that page becomes active and after that page is become visible to all users.

If admin rejects the page view then the page not visible to any user. Admin can edit the page view links, page impressions etc with edit option. Admin can also add new page view with "Add Page View" option on the top.

Tracking: This is for checking the site traffic, admin can see from which IP, which user visited which page on what date and time.

Website Settings: This is for setting up the website variables like payment ID's, Timer Settings, Points Settings etc. admin can change it whenever required.

Block Manger: This is the runtime module generator; here admin can create blocks and pages within these blocks. Admin can new page to website through "Add Block Link" here admin select one main category in which he wants to add this page and Link Name, file name to be created for new page and Headline for page, which can be edited by admin anytime.

Services Manager: Here you can add or manage services that offered by corporate. Admin can add new services or edit existing services.

Terms Manger: This page is fully editable by admin he can add or edit new components in this page.

Headers Manager: This is for creating new headers administrator has the ability to choose the background color, and header html, each header has Mail Ads logo in upper left corner which is not editable.

Payments: Here admin has the list of all the payments which they received from members with description of what purchased at which cost (USD) and time of transactionSolo Ads: It has the list of solo ads admin has the option (Approve-Reject-Delete) if admin approve it then it is sent to contact email ID's of the said members. If he rejects the solo ads then it's not sent to anybody.

Upon deleting the solo ad is permanently deleted from database. Admin can't edit the solo ad.

Footer Manager: This is for creating and editing new and existing footers. It is fully editable by the administrator of website.

Banner Manager: It's has the list of banners admin has the options (Approve-Reject-Delete) approving it make visible to users on the website, when rejected by admin it's not viewable. Deleting permanently remove it from database. These banners are randomly chosen for viewing.

Exit Page (logout.php) Manager: Here text banners images or flash banners can be embedded to the exit page. They can edited or updated by admin anytime.

Get your mastersafeadlist now.


Anonymous said...

And A Link Back To Your Web Site Excite You?