Saturday, February 04, 2006

Stormpay: WHERE DID THE FUNDS GO??????

Latest communication from 12DailyPro confirms suspected Stormpay misdeeds and leads one to doubt the credibility of anything Stormpay has to say about itself or NETIBA (yes, they are indeed one and the same.):

You have received a message from 12DailyPro:

We wanted to take this time to update everyone on the status of the program and the recent happenings. We know you are all anxious for information. We have spent the entire day trying to forumlate the best strategy for how we deal with the current issues facing the 12DailyPro family.

1. Stormpaydid finally respond to our attorney's request for information. They informed him that the reason they have suspended our account was at the behest of their bank. This is completely different than the reason they released to the Stormpay members, being that they were concerned about autosurf business models.

2. Stormpay also made additional false statements in their email to users. The email claimed that we refused to provide information on our business model. This is false. Mr. McConnell of Stormpay fully understood our business model from the day we began processing transactions with them, in May of 2005. In fact, Mr. Connell just this past Monday asked if he could fly down to meet us and explain why we should choose StormPay as our only payment processor. And as we posted in a member news item a a couple of days ago,

Mr. McConnell blatantly attempted to blackmail us by threatening to freeze our account if we did not remove our other payment processor within 45 minutes.

3. We have also become aware of some very disturbing news about Stormpay, including the fact that they have a very negative rating with the Tennessee Better Buiness Bureau, with dozens of claims against them. They company was also issued a cease and desist order by the State of Tennessee for financial related misdeeds. Stormpay has also begun randomly seizing funds from user accounts, and are currently not honoring some users withdrawal requests. We believe that this is for the same reason they refused to release our funds, because they do not have the funds.

4. In a conversation we had with Stormpay and their attorney this past Monday, Mr. McConnell revealed to us that Stormpay acts as a lender, which is not what they state in their terms of service.
He went on to exlain that they money in users accounts in not ompletely backed by real funds. When I inquired where all of our funds were, he changed the subject
5. At this point, it seems that Stormpay may have begun to randomly refund some members money. Unfortunately this puts us in a very difficult situation. As they have blocked us completely from access to our account, we have no way of knowing who is receiving refunds and who is still owed.

They are creating a situation by where we cannot accurately determine which pending withdrawals need to be cancelled because they have already received refunds from StormPay. In essence they are creating a situation by where they are spending our company money at their own discretion and not providing us with the information we need to meet our obligations to all our members. If indeed our account is frozen, Stormpay should not have access to spend those funds until after an investigation is completed.

6. That said, we are actively trying to determine what legal actions may be at our disposal to try to retrieve our funds so we can issue refunds to all members with any pending withdrawals or active upgrades. In order to insure that as many people can be paid as possible, we will only be paying refunds, not any surf earnings or commissions. At this point with Stormpay holding our funds, we are unable to provide a time schedule for this refunds.

7. Until that time, we will continue EMO payments as we are able starting with the oldest expirations, this would be members who chose to receive their previous E-Gold payments to EMO. Again, we cannot promise any timetable on how fast this payments will be made, but know we will make them as we are able.

8. You will notice that we have suspended new membership and upgrades. We need to take this time to focus on solving our issues with StormPay and getting you all back the money that they are holding under false pretenses. We will continue to update you here as we have more information.

Admin 12DailyPro
I believe it is time to file with Attorney General of Tennesse and the feds. Funds not backed by real funds? Like - WHERE DID THEY GO?????!!!
Every single Stormpay member has to ask this question: WHERE DID MY FUNDS GO????!!!