Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Special Offer for all XtreamSurf Bloggers

Hi All!!

I did it...I purchased my very own SafeAdlist. It's called Work From Your PJ's SafeAdlist. I just got it yesterday afternoon and already have a handful of members! I'm asking all XtreamSurf bloggers to join my list and when you do I will give you a free gift. You can join here: Work From Your PJ's SafeAdlist.

When you join Free I will give you a copy of the ebook called The TrafficJam Forumula. The TrafficJam Formula is intergrated formula for generating high volume web traffic. Whether you have minimal or extensive online experience you will profit from this information. Also includeds Full Resell Rights!

If you join as a pro member I will give you the The TrafficJam Forumula and Million Dollar Emails "Million Dollar Emails" is a new ebook that contains some of the most successful and persuasive emails ever written. It's jam-packed with real life emails that have been proven to work by the top Internet Pros and eCommerce leaders.

Once you join simply email me at workfromyourpjs@just4uu.com Tell me that you joined and that you are an xtreamnet member. I will confirm your membership and send you the appropriate free gift(s).

Thanks for your support!

Kristen Pearce