Thursday, August 04, 2005

When scammers cry SCAM!

The continuing chronicles of the P&P Gang aka Paul and Penny Westhead, the notorious and underhanded owners of and, reveal that the two have no shame 'tall when it comes to dealing with other traffic site/paid to surf programs! This from an honest site owner in which Ms Pen has been a member of:

Hello everybody,

This is a sad day as it marks the end of a relationship I had with some people I used to call my friends. Most of you are or have been members of Cashitz and Surfwize, and like me, most of you are still waiting to be paid by both of these sites. Despite the poor treatment I have received from both of these sites over the last 3 months, I have resisted the urge to publicly denigrate either site.

A few of you already know that Paul deleted my account and kept all my earnings because of a comment I made in his forum. Those of you that are aware of this are also aware that I was denied any right of reply, and every further post I put in his forum was deleted. I was prepared to accept this without making the issue too public, as I had made a mistake, and instead of being 3 months overdue for payment it was only 6 weeks. Still not acceptable for a site that promotes itself as having a 100% payout record. I kept a copy of the response he deleted and you can see it at

As if that wasn't sad enough I have been waiting since 1st of May for cashout at Surfwize. The last payout I received was during the month of May for April earnings. I am owed for May, June and July, as are most of you.

As you are also aware Penny is a member of dadndaves autosurf. Due to the fact that Paul and Penny were the original hosts of dadndaves autosurf, (that's another story in itself, and you are all aware of the problems I had just after launch) Penny had many hours start on the rest of the field when it came to promoting dadndaves, and as a result won the referral contest for May, which I paid her for. She had no earnings to cashout for May as she had compounded them, but I would have paid her, as I paid everyone else who was due.

She then came 3rd in June, which I asked her to deduct from my June cashout. Of course the June cashout never came. I also paid her on the3rd of July for her June earnings, after she promised me the cashout button at Surfwize would be open on the 7th of July for all members. Almost a month later the cashout button is still not open, the site is down, and she tells me she cannot pay because " I can not get into the control area to pay members out at the moment", but the front page of her site clearly states 'and payouts are continuing whilst we are down'. Which is true??

Obviously, by the number of emails I have been receiving from other disgruntled members the possibility of being paid is becoming less and less by the day. I did not think it was fair on me, or other Surfwize members, to have to wait 3 months to be paid, so I put her dadndaves earnings 'on hold' until I at least got some sort of response from her as to when payouts would begin.

I then received an email from Penny demanding that I pay her what I owe her today. Demanding?? What do you think would happen if you or I demanded to be paid from Cashitz or Surfwize. ** All I asked for was some answers and I got my account deleted, imagine what would have happened if I demanded to be paid. Perhaps those of you who are still waiting should send her an email now and demand to be paid. You'll probably get the same response from her as she got from me, an angry email.

I suggested we delete each others accounts and move on, as despite her problem with arithmetic, the amount she owes me is similar to the amount I owe her. The response I got to that was even stronger than a 'demand'. Threats already!! 'ok, I will treat you as a SCAM, and believe me I can shout.', You have 24 hours to pay me or I will close you down, if you don't think I can watch and learn. and 'Pay me today or face the consequences'

Well I would like to put the record straight. Dadndaves is not a scam, dadndaves pays it's members when payments are due, dadndaves does have a business plan that will guarantee your payouts now and well into the future, unlike some others that stumble along for 12 months, then find out they can't do it properly and have to hire a business consultant.

dadndaves does not, and will not ask it's members to pay a $10 fee in order to keep operating, only to go offline a few days later, dadndaves does not claim to have a 100% payout record, and then renegue on that claim, dadndaves has a 99.9999% payout record, the only person who hasn't been paid is Penny Westhead. For the record I have deleted Penny's account under the terms on my front page which state You won't get your account deleted unless you try to defraud me. Penny has defrauded me and thousands of her members by continually promising payouts which never come, then by charging a $10 fee to be able to make payments, and still not paying.

I will let the readers decide who the scam is. Full transcripts of the aforementioned emails can be seen at This is a sad day, and I didn't want to have to go public in this way, but if anyone wants to declare that dadndaves is a scam then I have to take the necessary steps to protect the integrity of the program.

Thank you all for listening
Happy surfing

** so, I can tell you EXACTLY what happens when you ask for payout: you get told to take a flying leap that's what!! We have her emails to prove it. She has done the exact same thing to countless members asking for payment and then complaining when none were/are forthcoming.
Cherie Halliday,